Resource of a basket lift – what should you know about it?

The 2019 amendment to the regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance on the technical conditions for technical supervision in the operation, repair and modernization of short-haul transport devices resulted in the need to calculate the service life of the devices. This applies, among others, to basket lifts. What is it and how to calculate resources?

What is device resource?

According to the definition, resources are boundary parameters used to assess and identify the technical condition. They are determined based on the number of work cycles and the load condition material handling equipment (UTB) during the specified period of operation. When calculating it, the actual conditions of use should also be taken into account. 

In other words, the service life determines the operating time of the device during which its efficiency and therefore safety of use are guaranteed. It is described by the number of work cycles or working hours (with nominal load) over the assumed period of operation. It must be performed for all used machines (older than one year). It is required by the inspectors of the Office of Technical Inspection - without it, the machine will not be allowed for further use. 

Resource calculation is necessary in the case of handling equipment, including:

  • forklifts,
  • platforms,
  • cranes,
  • overhead crane,
  • mobile cranes,
  • HDS cranes,
  • goods and passenger lifts,
  • other devices subject to UDT supervision.

Why are resources defined?

Where do such regulations come from and why are they defined? resources? It's easy. The use of material handling equipment involves risks. The risk increases with the age of the machine due to the wear of individual elements. It is impossible to construct a device that will not wear out, so this process must be monitored through resource calculation. This is a way to ensure a much higher level of safety in every place where UTB is used - primarily the safety of the operators of these machines.

Calculating the service life of a basket lift

Safety when using basket lifts is a priority. That is why resources are so important and their constant supervision is necessary.


Who determines the resource level?

In accordance with the regulation resources must be determined by the machine operator "based on the curlease state of technical knowledge and good engineering practice". His duties include collecting appropriate documentation and presenting it during inspections carried out by the Office of Technical Inspection. 

In practice, however, the calculation of the resource can and even should be entrusted to another person - one who has appropriate competences related to a given type of machines, their maintenance and operation. The specialist should also have experience in resource calculation. 

Calculating the service life of a basket lift – how is it done?

How quickly it will be used resources designed for a given machine depends primarily on how it is used. Regardless of the type of device and its construction, the rate of wear of components is determined by their daily load. According to the rules calculation of the service life for a basket lift and other similar devices should take into account primarily:

  • number of device operation cycles,
  • length of work cycles performed (number of working hours per day),
  • transferred loads,
  • the hight of raising.

It is important that all this information is taken into account as reliably as possible - only then can reliable results be obtained and correct calculations made. 

In the case of lifts used for many years, the service life is calculated using the formula included in the ISO 12482 standard. A resource calculator that can be easily found on the Internet makes things easier. After providing all the necessary data, you can receive the ready result.

Newer lifts are much less problematic in this respect due to built-in work recording devices and the operating time of all important mechanisms and components specified by the manufacturer. 

Reaching the service life of the basket lift – what next?

When does the machine reach its service life, i.e. the degree of wear that prevents safe operation? It depends on the resource of its individual mechanisms or elements. 

In basket lifts, the lifting mechanism is the one that gets the most use and is usually the one that wears out the quickest. If the manufacturer has not specified the service life of the device, it can be assumed that the machine reaches its service life after 10 years of use or 7-9 thousand hours of operation. hours. Such data is provided by the Office of Technical Inspection. However, much depends on the operating conditions, which is why monitoring the resource level is so important.

However, reaching the end of life does not mean the end of the machine's use. However, it must be subjected to a Special Inspection. It includes very detailed control of parameters and functions. It usually recommends carrying out specific service activities. Only when the recommendations are implemented can the machine continue to operate. Then the resource is "reset" and is calculated from the beginning.